Safe and reliable

we pay attention to quality, the source to ensure the quality of goods, no intermediate links, affordable, reduce after-sales processing matters

Efficient performance

Our solutions leverage iot technology and intelligent algorithms to improve the efficiency and accuracy of warehousing and transportation, helping you reduce costs and improve competitiveness.

Professional team

We have an experienced and skilled team that can provide you with a full range of technical support and customized solutions.

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Tianjin Zhongying Chemical Co., Ltd.

Tianjin Zhongying Chemical Group Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of caustic soda, calcium carbide, sles factories. To process and sell caustic soda 96%, 98%, 99% (chemical name: sodium hydroxide) calcium carbide (chemical name: calcium carbide) sles (chemical name: dodecyl ether sulfate) based enterprises. Caustic soda is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, pharmaceutical, electroplating and other fields, and is one of the most basic raw materials in the chemical industry. labsa96 and tcca are in stock all year round. The products produced by the company are strictly in accordance with the national standard export norms.

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